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Successful Tips for Planning and planting a vegetable garden
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Vegetables for Home Gardens:
Asparagus—Mary Washington, or other Washington strains
Beans, bush, green—Black Valentine, Tender Pod*, Improved Tendergreen*·, Bounti ful, Topcrop*, Pearlgreen, Wade, Contender
Beans, bush, wax—Cherokee, Surecrop, Kinghorn Wax*, Eastern Butterwax*, Top Notch Golden Wax, Brittle Wax, Pencil Pod Wax*
Beans, pole, green—Kentucky Wonder*, Blue Lake,
Alabama No. 1Beans, pole, wax—Burpee Golden, Kentucky Wonder Wax
Beans, bush, lima—Fordhook 242*, Baby Fordhook, Henderson* (Cangreen, Thoro-green), Triumph, Thaxter*
Beans, pole, lima—Ideal, King of the Garden, Burpee's Big*, Caroline or Sieva*
Beans, green, shell—Dwarf Horticultural*, King Horticultural
Beans, dry or navy—Michelite (white navy), Red Kidney
Beets, early—Ruby Queen, Red Ball, Early Wonder, Crosby's Egyptian
Beets, midseason and storage—Detroit Dark Red*, Perfected Detroit, Winter-keeper (Long Season)
Broccoli—Green Mountain*, Green Bud*, De Cicco, Calabrese*, Waltham 29
Brussels Sprouts—Jade Cross, Long Island Improved, Catskill
Cabbage, early—Golden Acre Resistant, Jersey Wakefleld, Globe (yellows resistant), Marion Market, Badger Market, Red Acre
Cabbage, late—Penn State Ballhead, Wisconsin Hollander, Wisconsin All Seasons, Flat Dutch, Mammoth Red Rock
Cabbage, Savoy—Vanguard II, Chieftain Savoy, Perfection Drumhead
Chinese Cabbage—Michihli, Nagoa Hybrid
Carrots—Nantes*, Royal Chantenay*, Danvers, Imperator, Gold Pak, Tendersweet
Cauliflower—Snowcap*, Snowball Imperial*, Ideal, Early Purplehead*
Celery, early—Golden Self-blanching, Michigan Golden, Cornell 19
Celery, late—Summer Pascal, Giant Pascal, Utah 52-70, Fordhook, Greenlight
Chard, Swiss—Lucullus, Fordhook, Rhubarb (red)
Collards—Georgia, Vates
Corn, sweet, early—North Star, Marcross, Spancross, Northern Belle, Golden Beauty
Corn, sweet, midseason—Bouquet*, Barbecue, Golden Bantam, Golden Cross Bantam Gold Cup*
Corn, sweet, late—Ioana, Iochief *, Surecross, Honeycross, Aristo-gold Bantam Ever green
Corn, sweet, white—Burpee's White Evergreen, Illinois #14x11, Country Gentleman
Cucumber, slicing—Sensation Hybrid, Marketer, Burpee Hybrid, Mandarin, Smoothie
Cucumber, pickling—National Pickling, Ohio MR-17, Wisconsin SMR 15, Chicago Westerfield
Eggplant—Black Beauty, New Hampshire Hybrid, Burpee Hybrid, Black Magic Hybrid
Endive—Full Heart (broad-leaved) Batavian, Green Curled, Deep Heart
Kale—Dwarf Blue (Vates), Dwarf Green, Dwarf Siberian
Kohlrabi—Early White Vienna, Early Purple Vienna
Lettuce, leaf—Salad Bowl, Oak Leaf, Slobolt, Grand Rapids, Ruby (red), Black-seeded Simpson
Lettuce, crisp-head—Imperial 44, Great Lakes, Cornell (Imperial) 456 MT., Iceberg,
Lettuce, butterhead—White Boston, Bibb, Burpeeana, Sweetheart
Lettuce, Romaine or Cos—Paris White, Parris Island
Muskmelon—Delicious 51, Harvest Queen, Hearts of Gold, Honey Rock, Iroquois,
Milwaukee Market, Pennsweet
Mustard—Tendergreen, Green Wave, Fordhook Fancy
Okra—Clemson Spineless, Emerald, Dwarf Green Long Pod
Onion seed—Elite, Autumn Spice, Southport Yellow Globe, Ebenezer, Red Wethers-fleld, Southport Red Globe, Sweet Spanish, White Portugal
Onion plants—Sweet Spanish
Onion sets—Ebenezer, yellow, white, red
Parsley—Paramount, Champion Moss Curled
Parsnip—All American, Hollow Crown, Model
Peas—Alaska, World's Record (Gradus), Freezonian·, Little Marvel*, Premium Gem (Nott's Excelsior), Thomas Laxton·, Wando*, Lincoln*
Pepper, sweet—Calwonder, Allbig·, Ruby King, Worldbeater, Sunnybrook, Yolo Won der, Burpee's Early Pimento*, Oshkosh (yellow), Keystone Resistant Giant, Penn Wonder
Pepper, hot—Hungarian Wax, Hot Portugal, Long Red Cayenne, Red Chili
Popcorn—Burpee's Peppy Hybrid, Illinois Hulless, White Cloud, Golden Pearl
Potatoes—Irish Cobbler, Cerokee, Chippewa, Katahdin, Red Pontiae
Pumpkins—Small Sugar, Young's Beauty, Connecticut Field
Radish, springs—Cherry Belle, Comet, Cavalier, Sparkler, Early Scarlet Globe, Champ ion, Red Prince, Icicle (white), Burpee White
Radish, winter—Black Spanish, long or round, Chinese Mammoth or Celestial, Rose or Scarlet China
Rhubarb (roots)-—MacDonald*, Valentine*. Victoria*, Canada Red*
Rutabaga—Purple Top Yellow, Laurentian, Alta Sweet, Macomber (white)
Salsify—Mammoth Sandwich Island
Spinach—America, Bloomsdale Long Standing, Badger Savoy, Viking*
Squash, summer—Zucchini, Cocozelle, Yellow Crookneck, Yellow Straightneck, White Bush Scallop
Squash, winter—Table Queen, Acorn, Butternut, Buttercup*, Delicious*, Blue Hubbard
Sweet Potato (soft-fleshed)—Porto Rico, Nancy Hall, Georgia Bunch, Nemagold, Red Gold
Sweet Potato (firm fleshed)—Yellow Jersey, Maryland Golden
Tomato, early—Break o' Day, Big Early, Valiant, Pritchard, Moreton Hybrid, Fireball
Tomato, mid-season, late—Marglobe, Big Boy, Rutgers, Longred, Glamour, Manalucie, Beefsteak, Oxheart, Wiltmaster
Tomato, yellow—Sunray, Golden Jubilee
Turnip—Purple-top White Globe, Just Right
Turnip, greens—Just Right, Shogoin
Watermelon—Sugar Baby, New Hampshire Midget, Dixie Queen, Kleckley's Sweet (large melon), Rhode Island Red
Crop rotation:
Include Onions, Garlic, Scallions, Shallots, and Leeks.
I include Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, and Kale.
include Turnips, Radishes, Rutabaga, and Collards.
Include Cucumbers, Squashes (from zucchini to pumpkin), and Melons.
Include Peas and Beans.
I nclude Arugula, Swiss Chard, Chicory, Endive, Escarole, and Radiccio.
Include Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplant.
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