Dwarf conifers are evergreen trees.The ideal time to plant conifers is in October through March while they are dormant.Slightly acid soil and full sun is mostly preferable.Healthy soil should be necessary,because they grow slowly.
1.Abies balsamea 'Hudsonia'(1' H x 2' W):This is tiny & slow growing balsam.It is perfect for small gardens and landscapes. And as anyone who's had a balsam Christmas tree can attest, balsams are among the most pleasantly aromatic evergreens.
2.Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Minnima Aurea'(2' H x 1' W):This is an easy growing beautiful bright yellow False Cypress with a pyramidal shape,but like most Chamaecyparis, it doesn't like exposure to strong winds.
3.Juniperus communis 'Compressa'(3' H x 1.5' W):It is dense,columnar dwarf tree that brings formality to a garden design.There are so many wonderful compact and creeping Junipers.
4.Juniperus squamata 'Meyeri'v(3'H x 2' W):An eye catcher of 'Meyeri' is drooping almost shaggy nature. It has a nice cool, blue color, but can develop brown patches on older growth.
5.Picea glauca albertiana 'Conica'(4' H x 2' W):One of the most popular dwarf evergreens is Alberta Spruce.It keeps its perfect conical shape without effort and the new spring growth is a bright lime green.
6.Pinus mugo 'Gnom'(2' H x 4' W):They form low, mounding, almost bonsai-like structures,Will grow in almost any type of soil.Mugo or Mountain Pines are finally getting their due, with several excellent varieties on the market.
7.Pseudotsuga menziesii 'Fletcheri'(3' H x 5' W):An excellent focal point of it is furrowed bark,long,blue-green needles and a flat top.'Fletcheri' likes to spread out, but it won't get anywhere near as tall as it's non-dwarf cousins.
8.Thuja occidentalis 'Hertz Midget'(1' H x 1' W): A good choice for a small garden.It easily tolerates some shade.It grows as a tight, round ball, with the feathery Arborvitae needles.
9.Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold'(3' H x 3' W):'Rheingold' looks like someone brushed its branches straight up, giving the round shrub a more conical appearance. Its rich, gold color mellows to copper in the fall.
10.Tsuga canadensis 'Pendula'(3' H x 8' W):It's also a stunner if given the room to spread out, especially if it can drape over a wall.
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